Charger's Music would like to showcase you our featured staff!

Our own voted teen workers would like to tell you a few things about them!

Courage the Cowardly Dog:
At age 8 he was become no coward after the life he lived in the mysterical texas lands he lived in. He got stronger and more witty. Now, he's a 16 year old working at store that helps people push themselves to their limits. What a strentch, man!

<--Courage wrote-->
Whatever the website says about me, is wrong. Texas scared me, im still scared. But anyways my friend got me this job. and im 17.
I do gardening, and love playing video games. I also collect old techy things, like computers, nintendos and anything really.

Peppa Pig:
Pegga Pig or as we call her PB, is 16. Our youngest worker here! She's as bright as you think she is, and is very useful in finding things and helping you or your kid with their difficults. We just love her here with us!

<--PB wrote-->
Some people also call me Piggy, short for my name but they always see me with food. Thank god for my fast metabolism! Anyways, i'm a bit talkive but not too,too much. But there's one thing for certain; I'll help you in whatever you need m'ladies.

Darwin. He drew his own photo:
Darwin is a very sassy dude to be with. He's very blunt and may come off as rude, but he's truly a delight to be around. People always tell us how his sass makes people around him laugh!

<--Darwin wrote-->
Too most people, im a funny guy. I know I am, but honestly. Honestly, im a really good artist, only a few people know that. I sell my art to people for $20. Better start paying me..
I'm also 17.

Raven is our manger and our oldest worker here, at the age of 8 teen! Since she is part demon,from the tv show, she is beloved by all our workers. She even helped us with this website!

<--Raven wrote-->
[She didn't write anything..]

Those are our star staff, at Charger Music! We all hope you loved seeing your favorite staff being posted today.
Until next time.